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About Us


American Indian Health - AHEC

At AIH AHEC, we are dedicated to addressing the pressing healthcare disparities faced by American Indians/Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) in Arizona. AI/AN experience some of the highest rates of health disparities, poverty, and poor health outcomes, compounded by factors such as inadequate education, discrimination in healthcare delivery, and cultural differences.

Despite being the second-highest racial/ethnic group in Arizona with healthcare access, AI/AN individuals have the second-lowest prevalence of having a personal doctor or healthcare provider, highlighting a clear gap in access to essential healthcare services. This gap extends beyond healthcare itself to encompass the social determinants of health, affecting a wide range of health risks and outcomes.

Arizona, with its diverse population of 7.3 million residents and twenty-two sovereign tribal nations, faces a critical shortage of healthcare providers, particularly in rural and tribal communities. The AIH-AHEC was born from the urgent need highlighted during public health emergencies to bridge this gap and enhance the American Indian Health Care Delivery System.

Our mission is to alleviate healthcare shortages by collaborating closely with Tribal Health Systems and implementing innovative workforce strategies. Through strategies such as "Growing Our Own," we empower individuals to pursue careers in healthcare, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Our journey began with key milestones, including the Arizona American Indian Pathways Into Health Conference in April 2012, where Tribes and stakeholders came together to share successful health career pathway models. The consensus reached emphasized the importance of "Growing Our Own" healthcare providers to meet the future needs of AI/AN communities.

In October 2017, the Advisory Council on Indian Health Care (AACIHC) recognized the importance to expand the American Indian healthcare workforce and established the vision of establishing an Arizona American Indian Area Health Education Center.

At AIH AHEC, our commitment to resilience, collaboration, and innovation drives us forward as we continue to sow the seeds of positive change in Arizona's healthcare landscape.

In July of 2022 the University of Arizona Area Health Education Center Program awarded the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care (AACIHC) a grant to develop an American Indian Health Area Health Education Center AIH-AHEC focusing on the American Indian health system and workforce.
