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For Students

A Pathway to Strengthening Healthcare in American Indian Communities

At AIH-AHEC (American Indian Health - Area Health Education Center), we are committed to fostering a robust and sustainable healthcare workforce within American Indian communities. Central to this mission is our innovative "Grow Our Own" strategy, a method designed to increase the number of healthcare workers by nurturing talent from within these communities.

What is the "Grow Our Own" Strategy?

The "Grow Our Own" strategy is a approach that focuses on introducing American Indian youth to healthcare careers early in their educational journey. By engaging students at a young age, we aim to ignite their interest in the medical field, fostering a passion that can be cultivated through structured support and guidance.

Why Focus on Early Engagement?

Early engagement is crucial because it lays the foundation for a lifelong interest in healthcare. By exposing young students to the various possibilities within the medical field, we can help them envision a future where they contribute to the health and well-being of their communities. This early introduction is designed to be both inspirational and informative, providing students with the knowledge and motivation they need to pursue healthcare careers.

Serving Home Communities

A key component of the "Grow Our Own" strategy is the emphasis on students returning to serve within their home communities. By training local youth to become healthcare providers, we ensure that they bring their unique cultural understanding and perspective to their practice. This not only improves the quality of care but also helps to build trust between healthcare providers and the communities they serve.

A Promising Future

By investing in the education and training of American Indian youth, AIH-AHEC and its Tribal partners are paving the way for a healthier future. These efforts will lead to a more robust healthcare workforce that is both culturally competent and deeply connected to Tribal communities.


We are proud to champion the "Grow Our Own" strategy and are excited to see the positive impact it will have on the healthcare landscape within American Indian communities.